Sunday, 8 April 2012

Do You Feel What I Feel Deer?

I've written about the close relationship my painting process has with music and that some paintings have been almost completely inspired by just one song.  Today I am introducing the band who have written songs based on my paintings.  This is how they have been described:
'Do You Feel What I Feel Deer are a duo of harmony.  They write songs from paintings and weave lyrics through jangley guitar tones with a string trio accompaniment.  Their two inseparably close voices sing of dissonant journeys with grace and lucidity.'
They say "We didn't really look to become artists of Lucianna's art, that's just how it happened. One of us wrote some lyrics to a song which were inspired by 'Untitled (Deer Encounter 2)' and one of us came up with chords to accompany. Then we both developed the structure and feel of the song, which is how we tend to write. It's very much a natural feeling, a collaborative process." 

Here they are singing 'Warm the Pot', the song that resulted from experiencing that painting.  You can see 'Untitled (Pastoral)' in the background, which I will be introducing tomorrow.

They named their band after my painting of the same name which I made in 2009.  This was one of the first times I used a found object as the basis for a painting.  This painting isn't part of my Penny Art Auctions as it was shortlisted for the final of the National Open Art Competition that year and sold as part of the final exhibition. 

'Do You Feel What I Feel Deer?'
Oil on found object, 30.5x29cm, 2009

This painting set in motion an idea that had been germinating since I made 'I could have sworn I felt my spirit soar', which was to pick up on my relationship with paintings that had been discarded in charity shops.  I have 2 more paintings to introduce on that theme which are also part of the auctions.

Do You Feel What I Feel Deer? will be playing a set at my exhibition opening night this Thursday.  If you like what you see, you can still get tickets for their gig at the Komedia the following night, where they will be supporting Laura Gibson.

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